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Claim for Negligence Causing Damage, Injury, or Death


Unscientific medical mandates placed upon a healthy population is medical experimentation.  A person may only voluntarily participate in such a program.  These actions are a violation of The Constitution and the Nuremberg Code. Not only are they human rights violations but they have caused incalculable amounts of damage.  Forcing people to wear masks creates physical illness and diseases as well as psychological issues for adults and children alike. Lockdowns have decimated our economy and people's personal financial situations. Social distancing has left millions of seniors isolated and distressed traumatized children and adults as we are social beings. 

Dr. David Martin discusses the violations being purported upon citizens around the globe. His legal and medical backgrounds allow him to provide us with the tools to register our claim of the damages these illegal government actions have caused.

The nutritional compounds mentioned here are specially prepared by qualified pharmacists.  They are not your store variety of supplements.  Consult your integrative doctor for access to these treatments.   

Write your representative by clicking on the action link. (external website)

New FDA and USP Regulations Harm COVID-19 Patients 

Over the past few years the FDA and USP (United States Pharmacopeia) have both heavily rewritten regulations that govern the compounding pharmacy industry. Compounding pharmacies make customized prescriptions, drugs that are no longer being supplied by big pharmaceutical companies, and nutritional compounds.  In the past year, these regulatory bodies have extended their reach to impede the prescribing and filling of not only compounded medicines but select pharmaceuticals as well.

Early in 2020, it was well documented that hydroxychloroquine in combination with other medications was proven effective at treating COVID-19 symptoms. In fact, it was found to prevent symptom progression and increase survivability by 85%.  Remdesivir was a hopeful medication but clinical trials and practical experience have shown effectiveness to be only moderate.  Additionally, remdesivir has high risk of complications and is costly.  Hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin are safe and effective but patient access is restricted through collusion of the pharmaceutical industry, politics and persons who would financially benefit. 


There are a number of nutritional compounds that successfully treat this condition. One well documented medicine is vitamin C, ascorbic acid, used intravenously. Studies demonstrate effectiveness in viral infections and China is successfully using used it to treat COVID-19 patients. The results of intravenous vitamin C (IVC) are that it appears to reduce the severity of symptoms and speed recovery.  This medical information as well is being censored by government and its propaganda branch, the public media. 

California has created it’s own unique problem because it enforces additional regulations on local companies as well as those out-of-state. This has stopped most out-of-state compounding pharmacies from doing business with California.  It is not cost effective for them to work with California. In the past California had two manufacturers of compounded IVC.  One is now out of business due singly to the new regulations which prohibit manufacturing of select compounded nutritional products.  California is the first to enforce the newly revised federal regulations and leading the way for the rest of the nation to eliminate all injectible/intravenous use nutritional compounds and most nutritional compounded drugs.

Another promising compounded nutraceutical that helps COVID-19 patients is alpha lipoic acid. The coronavirus attacks a person’s RNA. RNA is easily damaged when compared to DNA. Alpha lipoic acid helps stabilize DNA and RNA. This is a useful treatment for patients affected with the virus. It has been used safely for years without any cases of side effects with over 75,000 infusions in one office alone. The FDA intends to illegalize the use of injectible alpha lipoic acid. California banned its production in November, 2019 but in January 2020 allowed production until a later date.  Alpha lipoic acid may end up being of value to prevent the potential rewriting of RNA and DNA caused by the new vaccines and their transmission of yet unspecified infectious biological material.


A third treatment is hydrogen peroxide in intravenous compound. Hydrogen peroxide has the ability to rupture a virus’ lipid coating much like the way soap kills the virus. Per new FDA regulations, hydrogen peroxide would be illegal to compound once nationwide enforcement of the regulations begins. In California, where the new regulations are already enforced, there is no access to this treatment.


USP regulations have also changed the Beyond Use Date (BUD) of pharmaceutical compounds. Prior to new regulations, a BUD of an injectible compound would range between 90 and 180 days depending upon the medicine. New USP regulations require that the BUD be no more than 30 days. This is not yet enforced nationwide. It will likely go into effect this year nationally. However, California currently enforces this regulation. In these unprecedented times, this causes a huge problem. If a doctor is being cautious and preparing for a possible shortage or disruption in the supply chain, he or she can order a supply of medicine to cover patients’ needs for a number of months. However, if you are in California, only one month’s supply can be ordered. Couple that with the many pharmacies having delays in shipping due to the personnel and transport limitations, Californian’s are left in a dangerous position of not having access to medicines.


This is not the time to be eliminating treatments that help patients. It is the time to use every resource we have to combat this phenomenon. We need to turn to the medical profession’s leading innovators in medicine, including integrative medicine. Opportunities for medical advances are being thwarted and silenced by federal regulations.


California is a prime example of how over regulation of the compounding industry severely harms patients in good times, but devastates everyone in bad times. Prior to the plandemic, some Californians were traveling to other states to receive treatment that was no longer available in California.  During the lockdown, that was not possible.  Some states still employ quarantines to travelers. Many Californian’s can no longer receive the treatment they need. Do not let this scenario happen nationally. Many nutritional compounds help not only with COVID-19 but many other conditions as well such as chronic pain, stroke recovery,  therapy for cancer patients, chronic viral infections, and many more.  Providing medical care to people who need help is what health care is all about. Do not let regulations drive compounded medications, health choices and life-saving medical discoveries to extinction.  


Take time to act and keep your treatment options available.

Petition to Restore Patients' Access to Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin

The State Board of Pharmacy has the ability to operate independently from much of the FDA. The FDA makes guidelines which the various boards can choose to follow or not. As you probably know, hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin have been shown to be 85% effective in preventing COVID related deaths. As of this writing there are 570,000 US COVID related deaths.  485,000 could have been prevented with these two safe medicines. There are many other effective treatments as well. All of these treatments have been vilified by the pharmaceutical industry, the government, and instrumentalities such as the FDA, AMA, educational institutions, and corporate medical providers.

The current treatment model for symptomatic COVID patients is to send them home to wait and see if symptoms progress.  Medical experts know that any disease is better treated early on and COVID is no exception.  HCQ and Ivermectin quickly resolve symptoms when given in early stages. 


People wonder why experts and those in authority would intentionally keep safe and effective treatments from patients. In order for a vaccine to be granted Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) no other treatment for the disease in question must exist. Combined with the fact that many people involved in deciding which medicines can be used to treat COVID have a financial interest in the vaccine industry, this makes sense. 


Some states allow physicians to write prescriptions for these medications and some states allow pharmacists to fill those prescriptions. Other states, like California, have chosen to intimidate, threated and destroy the careers of medical doctors and pharmacists who deign to put patient health over politics and money.


We've created a petition requesting that the California Boards of Pharmacy and Medicine rescind restrictions on doctors prescribing and pharmacists filling prescriptions of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin for patients with viral symptoms.

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