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Grapefruit and Vitamins

About Us

Keeping Natural Medicine Alive

Health Choice Advocates knows that strength lies not only in the words we stand by, but most importantly through actions.


We are a grass roots organization supporting choice in health care.  New government regulations threaten the use of alternative medicine.  In this website you will find detailed information about legislation and regulatory changes that are being imposed upon natural medicine. 

We are fortunate to have so many wonderful health options available.  Conventional western medicine, eastern medicine, herbal medicine, all of which continue to evolve and improve.  Nutritional medicine has become very important as well, addressing many chronic conditions.  It combines modern medical technology with high dose nutritional needs. 

There is new government legislation which imposes great restrictions upon non-conventional therapies. Our goal is to continue to allow currently accepted fields of medicine to continue, grow and expand.   This gives people the option to choose the health care treatment that best suits their personal needs.  We support medical professionals in providing the best patient care.

Current therapies in the legislative spotlight are homeopathy, bio-identical hormones, and all compounded nutritional substances.  New legislation also restricts medical professionals from making products in their offices.

You will find easy steps to take charge, voice your concerns and stand up to keep your right to choose Complementary and Alternative Health Care as part of the American health care system.

Thank you for caring and acting to ensure that natural medicine has a place in U.S.A. health care.

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